I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how important it is to develop a well-rounded universal skillset. As the world continues to turn and as we all feel the pull to become progressively more of who we really want to be, these skills will be of utmost importance if we want to thrive and be an influence in the burgeoning new economy.
What skills are necessary if we want to become relevant and build value for our businesses, our brands and our ongoing contributions to society?
Most of these necessary universal skills are obvious but some are not. I want to share a short list with some links to explain briefly what I believe are some of the skills we need to learn and continue to develop in today’s world.
Not So Obvious Universal Skills
Big picture thinking
Detailed project completion
Project Launching
I’ve provided a few links to some of my previous blogs and other resources so you can make a deeper dive into these skills and get some extra knowledge and hopefully motivation to start developing your “not so obvious” Universal Skill Set.
My list is not exhaustive by any means and I’ve left out many subtle skills that I believe are necessary to live a successful life and grow a business. Entrepreneurialism I believe is a sill that can be learned, as well as, bounce back ability, motivation, integrity, brand building, parenting, networking, training, fundraising, fact-checking, and relationship building to name a few.
The bottom line I believe is that we all become aware that there is a changing of the old guard so to speak and today we have an ever-increasing ability to direct our own path forward and design our personal and professional lives how we want. The sooner we get excited about this fact and the earlier we start to chip away at developing our “Universal Skill Set” the happier and more successful we will become in the long run.
Dominic Kotarski is the author of international best-seller “The Making”. He writes, speaks, inspires, motivates and teaches on the most important aspects of your business including Sales, Coaching, Team-Building, People Management and Business Development. Get weekly access to his blog & training videos FREE by subscribing HERE! and when you sign up you will get Instant Access to his Sales Skills Training Video.