The Making – A Complete Sales Guide

If you’ve ever had a dream to leave your hometown or even your country in search of success this book is a must read. Join Dominic as he leaves his home in Tennessee and travels to Australia on a “Success Adventure”. Follow him through the streets of Sydney where he discovers powerful sales principles, teambuilding tactics and business strategies that propelled him on a journey to reach his ultimate goals. His story can easily be your story when you apply his framework and embrace your possibilities.

on May 26, 2014
This is a must read book for everyone in the sales industry. Dominic gives some great advice for all sales people – new and experienced. He does not preach, but rather takes you on a heart warming journey of his personal and professional experiences while traveling in Australia. I’ve started applying some of what I’ve learned to my everyday routine and the results have shown! Ironically, I met Dominic on my lunch break while selling in my territory. He is a personable and encouraging person – traits which shine through this book.

Reader Comments and Reviews

Wim Kerkhoff

March 7, 2015

Format: Paperback

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Torben Marvin Jensen

June 5, 2014

Format: Paperback

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