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Ideas to Increase your Energy

“Energy Cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another” Albert Einstein

This is not new information, most of us learned the The Law of Conservation of Energy  in our high school physics class. Well, at least theoretically we should have learned it. I didn’t think about the practical application of this theory in terms of how it might help me in my “real world” until I stumbled across the quote again while building my Global Sales Team in London.

I was searching for an idea for my next sales meeting when this quote just popped in my head. I realized that the concept had real tangible, practical applications to me, my team and our business.

Taken literarily it means that energy simply exists, it’s out there and it’s in there at the same time. And for us to get access to it we need to align our thoughts and emotions to this energy.

Have you ever been really tired and then had a call from a good friend? The next thing you know your out on the town having a blast. Where did all this new energy come from? Have you ever been stuck while working on a project only to take a 5 minute break and come back totally new and refreshed? Of course you have, you energized yourself by changing your state.

Either you change your state and refresh your energy or allow your current state to dictate your low energy mode. I know for sure that when I ran my sales company I made better deals and created more impact when I stood up and walked around during my calls. I wanted and needed to move in order to think and react while on my calls.

It’s the best and most natural way to increase your access to this energy. As you get physically in motion you tap into this existing energy field that’s just waiting for a dance partner.

Here’s some ideas to get you moving:

  • Stand up and pace while making your phone calls.
  • In meetings when ideas are stuck get up and move to a white board or grab a drink. Anything to get your energy flowing in a new direction.
  • Every couple of hours get out from behind your desk and get out of your office – take a walk to the cantine or a colleagues desk. Get outside if you can to grab some of nature’s energy.
  • Take 5 deep breaths – expand and contract your lungs as far as you can.
  • Get up and do the shake or the Reach for the Positives exercise
  • Take a 5 minute day dream, it’s proven to relieve stress, foster creativity and refresh the mind, body and spirit.

The biggest thing to remember is that you control the amount of energy you have by how you connect emotionally and mentally to your life and your day to day moments. You’re not tired you just think you are. Shift your focus and take a breather. Get a new perspective and tap into the new energy field that’s just a new thought or a new movement away.

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Dominic Kotarski writes about sales, motivation and team building so you can improve your skills and create a balanced business & personal life.  If you enjoyed this article then join his FREE weekly newsletter.

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Dominic Kotarski

Dominic Kotarski is an author, coach, sales trainer and Founder of Sales Success Academy. He's personally inspired, coached, trained and managed thousands of salespeople and business owners in 11 different countries. You can find him in Vancouver, Canada where he lives, works, runs, ski's and spends most of his free time with his family.

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