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10 Qualities of a True Entrepreneur

On your entrepreneurial journey it’s imperative that you endeavour to match the qualities that all great entrepreneurs develop on their way to success. My observations over the years working with 1000’s of entrepreneurs and business owners has allowed me to conclude the following:

A true entrepreneur

  • Loves life, challenges and creating something from nothing.
  • Doesn’t care too much about stockpiling money only sees it as a tool to do, take on or make the next BIG THING!
  • Easily attracts people and money to help build and support their ambitions.
  • Knows no boundaries and sees NO LIMITATIONS!
  • Empowers and energizes people wherever they go and whatever they do.
  • Thinks big and makes plans that scale.
  • Doesn’t care too much about what other people think, say or do.
  • Holds on to their beliefs unless proven wrong then shifts their mindset quickly to build on the new reality.
  • Keeps their vision on course by controlling their emotions when things are going wrong.
  • Believes 100% in their own ability to WIN and WIN they do.

These are not qualities your born with rather skills that can be honed. When you stop looking outside for the answers and delve within to observe your own behaviour and reactions. How you walk , how you talk , do you find yourself making excuses before you’ve even started on your idea? Are you waiting for the day when you finally decide the time is right and you’ve got the right amount of experience, know how and financial backing? If so you might wake up one day with a terrible surprise, that realization that it’s too late, your time has run out and your stuck in a dead end job with no way out and no ambition to make your deepest calling come to fruition.

Don’t wait, it’s time to escape and start living your  life on purpose. On your purpose!!!

Leave a comment, ask a question, make a suggestion – Let me know what qualities you see in great entrepreneurs you’ve worked with or admired, then let me know where you are with your latest venture…[arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”right”][feature_box_creator style=”1″ width=”” top_margin=”” bottom_margin=”” top_padding=”” right_padding=”” bottom_padding=”” left_padding=”” alignment=”center” bg_color=”” bg_color_end=”” border_color=”” border_weight=”” border_radius=”” border_style=”” ]

Dominic Kotarski writes about sales, motivation and team building so you can improve your skills and create a balanced business & personal life.  If you enjoyed this article then join his FREE weekly newsletter.

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Dominic Kotarski

Dominic Kotarski is an author, coach, sales trainer and Founder of Sales Success Academy. He's personally inspired, coached, trained and managed thousands of salespeople and business owners in 11 different countries. You can find him in Vancouver, Canada where he lives, works, runs, ski's and spends most of his free time with his family.

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