an excerpt from “The Making” by Dominic Kotarski
Every successful business uses systems in order to keep their business functioning properly. I was taught an amazing system early on in my sales career. It served as a failsafe tool when I was struggling and in doubt of making my next sale.
I eventually learned that on my learning days (no such thing as a “BAD” day in sales) when my performance wasn’t up to scratch; it was in fact, me who failed and not the system. I was losing my attitude, making excuses or contemplating about skipping my territory. We had a saying proudly displayed on our office walls that stated; “The system never fails, people fail to work the system.” If I could just stay focused long enough and push myself to stay on track then I knew the law of averages would eventually kick in and so too would my sales.
I want to include an excerpt from my recently published book, “The Making” and share the system that allowed me to make over 1.2 million in sales in my first 18 months in business.(For extra information my team and I were selling $5.00 items to the general public via B2B method)
5 Essential Steps to a Sale
1) Engage (Introduction) – Go in with high energy and make eye contact, have a big smile and stay with the introduction until you’ve got engagement with your customer.
2) Explore (Qualification) – Make sure you qualify the customer before you present your product or service. Don’t waste your time or theirs. Ask insightful questions. Can they make buying decisions or influence the process? Do they have available funds to make a purchase? Do they have a need or slight desire for your product or service?
3) Envision (Presentation) – Present your product or service and be sure to stress the deal while offering all the great benefits and features.
4) Enlist/Enroll (Confirmation) – It occurred to me that if you do the first three steps correctly then the close really wasn’t a huge step at all but more of a confirmation to carry on with an order or to confirm the next steps to be taken.
5) Encore (Maximization) – This was all about maximizing the order. Are there other products that could be useful for them? Do they know anyone else that might be interested? Referrals.
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Having a great sales process is only part of a successful sales business; equally as important are the working habits, and guidelines to keep you and your team on track.
Ten Absolute Guidelines for Success
Dominic’s effective and fun work habits:
1) Attendance (Show up) – You must have daily discipline.
2) Attitude (Positive Outlook) – The right attitude is necessary to achieve continual success in any endeavor.
3) Action (Work your strategy) – Be pro-active and prepare what tools and resources you need before you start working. The great thing about taking action is that it’s 100% in your control. Keep working so the Law of Averages works for you.
4) Ability (Keep improving your skillset) – Mental tactics, emotional awareness, sales skills, communication skills, technical skills as well as your ability to influence others.
5) Absorb (Sponge it) – Absorb the positives and use them to build on. Absorb the negatives and deflect like a fighter. Maintain your motivation by keeping your thoughts and actions focused towards your goals.
6) Accommodate – Your goals, your customers’ wishes and your teams’ dreams. Don’t forget your family and friends need you too: Maintain balance.
7) Apply – Keep listening, learning and applying your new knowledge; keep focused on applying your business strategies, follow the logical steps and tactics necessary to succeed.
8) Accountability – Take full responsibility for your results, both good and bad. Your power lies within you.
9) Accumulate,Amalgamate and Advocate – Consistently expand and utilize your network – keep making and maintaining business and personal contacts so you can not only stay in business but grow your business. Help others to hit their goals and you will reach yours.
10) Accelerate – Keep focused on moving forward. Teach what you’ve learned – if you share your new knowledge then you’ll be able to keep it and build on it. If you pay it forward it will live on and come back to you in many lucrative ways.
Follow this system and make sure you’re team does the same and you will be guaranteed to share in the success you create.
Happy Sales,
Dominic Kotarski author of “The Making | A Down-to-Earth Sales Guide” and Founder of Sales Success Academy
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Dominic Kotarski – International Consultant – Author – Coach – Trainer – Speaker
Dominic writes, speaks, inspires, motivates and teaches on the most important aspects of your business including Sales, Coaching, Team building, People Management and Business Development. Get weekly access to his blog & training videos FREE by subscribing below
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