You can get used to Anything & How to get rid of your gut
by Dom Kotarski 7 years ago I was debating openly with myself and my friend about wether or not I would take on a coaching assignment which involved driving from…
by Dom Kotarski 7 years ago I was debating openly with myself and my friend about wether or not I would take on a coaching assignment which involved driving from…
an excerpt from "The Making" by Dominic Kotarski Every successful business uses systems in order to keep their business functioning properly. I was taught an amazing system early on in…
Work hard today so you can play hard tomorrow :-) [video_player type="youtube" width="560" height="315" align="center" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="20"]aHR0cDovL3lvdXR1LmJlL0ZkTkI0UzJpUGww[/video_player] [optin_box style="20" alignment="center" email_field="email" email_default="Enter your email address" integration_type="mailchimp" double_optin="Y" thank_you_page="" list="229aa74283" name_field="FNAME"…