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Take Note

I often write about the importance of energy and attention. On a personal basis I believe these two qualities are our most important assets to living a successful life.

You need an abundance of energy not just to complete your daily work but to have time for your loved ones, hobbies, friends and your most important self.

As far as attention goes, I would strongly say that it’s more important to know how to recognize those times when you’re attention is fading. Your ability to pay attention when you’re not paying attention will stop many of accidents from happening; or things that you don’t want to happen.

It’s very hard to be taken advantage of if you pay close attention to your habits of giving over your power.

Successful people have mastered the art of “holding their power” in situations where they had been burned before. They have learned from their past mistakes and realize that they would rather go through the pain and fear of changing their “old, unhelpful but comfortable habits of relating” to something more forceful, assumptive and  positive.

Sometimes you have to push your energy outward, be bolder than you normally would, ask people for a better deal, demand a re-do or a take back in commerce, daily interactions, family dealings and the rest.

Learn to Pay Attention to those times when you’re not paying attention and you’ll find that very few things will happen to you that you couldn’t of done something about.

Happen to life don’t let life happen to you and put your energy at a higher level. You don’t have to stay calm and be normal all the time.

You’ve heard the expression “Expect the Unexpected” Right? Well, how do we know that that expression is not about you?

I’ll bet it is!! Let that be said about you today!!

Dominic Kotarski – International Consultant | Author | Coach | Trainer | Speaker

Dominic Kotarski is the author of  international best seller “The Making”. He writes, speaks, inspires, motivates and teaches on the most important aspects of your business including Sales, Coaching, Team building, People Management and Business Development. Get weekly access to his blog & training videos FREE by subscribing HERE! 

Dominic Kotarski

Dominic Kotarski is an author, coach, sales trainer and Founder of Sales Success Academy. He's personally inspired, coached, trained and managed thousands of salespeople and business owners in 11 different countries. You can find him in Vancouver, Canada where he lives, works, runs, ski's and spends most of his free time with his family.

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