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Summer Time

What does summer time really mean to you and your business? Do you give everyone in your company some much-needed guilt free time off? Or do you scramble around and curse the fact that people are abandoning you and your business at a time when the work seems to come flooding in as Murphy’s law undoubtedly dictates? And what about you? Do you allow yourself some time off to spend time with your family, do some travelling, visit far off places or stay close to home and relax?

The last comprehensive review of academic literature on the relationship between work and productivity was conducted by Lonnie Golden for the International Labour Organization concluded that…

“in many industries, it appears that shorter hours are associated with higher output rates per hour.”

This doesn’t surprise me as having grown up in the USA and later living and working in Europe for nearly 20 years I got accustomed to not only taking time off in the summer but juggling the demands of my business while staff was taking their two-four weeks off during the summer months. It took a little planning and often time taking on some temporary staff but we always managed and our business didn’t suffer because of key staff absences.

Looking back, I’m so happy I took my vacation during the summer. We had some awesome trips with my young family to Egypt, Greece, Malta, Spain, Germany, Turkey and South Africa just to name a few great holidays we shared. I can’t imagine living any other way now.

When I moved back to North America I chose not to re-acclimate my European gleaned attitude towards my summer vacations and I simply refuse to have any guilty feelings about taking time off to enjoy my summers.

Happy Summer Holiday’s Everyone!!

Dominic Kotarski

 is the author of international best-seller “The Making”. He writes, speaks, inspires, motivates and teaches on the most important aspects of your business including Sales, Coaching, Team-Building, People Management and Business Development. Get weekly access to his blog & training videos FREE by subscribing HERE! and when you sign up you will get Instant Access to his Sales Skills Training Video.


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Dominic Kotarski

Dominic Kotarski is an author, coach, sales trainer and Founder of Sales Success Academy. He's personally inspired, coached, trained and managed thousands of salespeople and business owners in 11 different countries. You can find him in Vancouver, Canada where he lives, works, runs, ski's and spends most of his free time with his family.

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