Without stating the obvious let’s talk frankly about what works and what doesn’t when faced with a difficult challenge in your business or at your company, or better yet let’s do a quick What Doesn’t Work -vs – What does list…
What Doesn’t Work
– Being discouraged, reactive & un-motivated.
– Hating your project and doing it poorly.
– Hoping it will get better and fearing it won’t.
– Feeling like a fake because you lack experience and connections.
– Complaining, blaming or procrastinating thus staying in the same spot.
What Does
– Staying positive, objective and motivated.
– Loving what you do and doing your best.
– Having a plan and making it work.
– Believing in yourself and doing whatever it takes.
– Accepting responsibility for where you are and pushing to take yourself to the next step.
So often we outgrow jobs and think we could do better only to find that we get in a habit of putting in less than our best effort and our “Best Work” suffers. Later we start to question ourselves and wonder “if we really could do better?”
Make sure you focus your attention on doing the best work that you can possibly do at all levels and you’ll find that you start getting opportunities to do more challenging and higher level projects.
Always value what you do and what you do will ultimately expand to what you want!
Now it’s your turn to share your list, if you have some time jot down a few below. Let’s help each other to grow!