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What iff you had?

by Dominic Kotarski

IFF = Infectious, Fiery, Focused Passion??

We all have passion we just don’t often wield it’s power. Those that do have it and muster the gumption to display it, have a much easier time getting their projects off the ground.

Warren Buffet, one of the world’s greatest investors and largest employers in North America has said that he looks for 4 things in a business owner before he invests;

  • Intelligence – not necessarily academic
  • Honesty – displaying integrity at their core
  • Energy – ability to work through problems and
  • PASSION – Power Applied So Succinctly It Overcomes Negativity

Passion can be described as a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something. When this flame inside you is ignited it has the ability to attract and excite other people which will inevitably attract more attention and with this attention comes support and growth opportunities.

Every great business or organization began with at least one person who had  vision, belief and passion to see the idea through. Every one of us has this passion inside of us just waiting for a cause strong enough to unleash it’s power.

I encourage each and everyone reading this post not to wait, don’t hesitate to exercise this inner muscle. This fiery muscle needs to be stoked every once in awhile and if you don’t stoke it the flame risks dying out. Then the only way to re-ignite this flame is by the fire of another.

We all have our own internal flame that we can power up at any time we choose. Get passionate about your current project, throw yourself in with reckless abandon and don’t forget to believe 100% in yourself and your ability to start a fire. A fire that can spread and will spread within the right environment.

Don’t you dare be one of those people who sits around their whole life waiting to follow someone else’s ideas. Get excited and show some passion for your life and your projects and your team and your company. Maybe one day that passion will ignite your own causes and your own ideas. That’s the goal with Passion Players,you are experimenting with your personal power by displaying your passion in your current situation.

If nothing else you’ll make it all a helluva lot more fun for those in your circle of influence. Everyone enjoys being around a person with Passion and that person should be and will be you!

Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Strong and Go for it Today!

Why not share your Passion Project with me by commenting in the FB box below, let’s get the conversation flowing!

Dominic Kotarski is the author of the best selling business book “The Making” and the Founder of

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Dominic Kotarski – International Consultant – Author – Coach – Trainer – Speaker

Dominic writes, speaks, inspires, motivates and teaches on the most important aspects of  your business including Sales, Coaching, Team building, People Management and Business Development. Get weekly access to his blog & training videos FREE by subscribing below

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Dominic Kotarski

Dominic Kotarski is an author, coach, sales trainer and Founder of Sales Success Academy. He's personally inspired, coached, trained and managed thousands of salespeople and business owners in 11 different countries. You can find him in Vancouver, Canada where he lives, works, runs, ski's and spends most of his free time with his family.

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