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Reflect to Connect

It’s that time of the year, you’re either winding up to maximize the last month of the year or you’re winding down and cruising through the holiday season. Regardless of your situation or approach to the last month of the year it’s an important time to reflect on this past years accomplishments, challenges and outstanding ambitions.

As you know I’m a big proponent of journaling and December is one of the best times to get out your pen, pad and begin.

My suggestion is to start out with the following questions in mind. Firstly, write down those things, which you’re most grateful for in 2016. Secondly, What new strengths did you develop; what obstacles did you overcome and what accomplishments were made in 2016.

Now that you’re warmed up and your thoughts are flowing move to dreaming up your 2017 absolutes, those things that have been on your mind over the last year and are starting to etch their permanency in your fertile mind. Let your thoughts flow, allow your feelings to take the lead for awhile and avoid being realistic and practical. Realism is only handy once a big dream has pushed something new into this world and it’s necessary to find it’s place in the physical constraints of the universe.

When you’re dreaming up your life there’s no room for realism, only the powerful vibrational energy of big thoughts mixed with fiery emotions. Break through and be a kid again, now is not the time to for limited thinking. Your current situation is not your manifest future. No way not today and not tomorrow.

Never grow up always keep dreaming, breathing, living laughing and connecting in a positive, giving way to yourself, to your family, to your friends, to your colleagues, to your acquaintances and ultimately to humanity. You don’t have to go to church to be a religious person. You can touch peoples lives by offering a smile and fun verbal exchange while standing in line at the grocery store, at a stop light or any normal daily interaction.

Your life is special because you make it special. You determine your own definition of success. Society has no right to impose it’s vision of success on you unless you accept it and believe it. Like I mentioned in my last post, a great definition of Success is that the people who you want to love you actually do love you. Honestly, all the rest is merely window dressing.

Get your heart straight and your mind will follow. Make this month count towards creating the right focus for making 2017 your year. Keep working towards your highest causes and never give up, never give up!! Everything comes good in the end. Absolutely Everything!!

Dominc Kotarski – Author of The Making
 and Founder of Sales Success Academy

Dominic Kotarski – International Consultant | Author | Coach | Trainer | Speaker
Dominic writes, speaks, inspires, motivates and teaches on the most important aspects of your business including Sales, Coaching, Team building, People Management and Business Development. Get weekly access to his blog & training videos FREE by subscribing HERE


Dominic Kotarski

Dominic Kotarski is an author, coach, sales trainer and Founder of Sales Success Academy. He's personally inspired, coached, trained and managed thousands of salespeople and business owners in 11 different countries. You can find him in Vancouver, Canada where he lives, works, runs, ski's and spends most of his free time with his family.

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